jogging… again…

thanks for all the advice on beginning jogging… all of it is coming in handy.

i’m shocked that i’ve actually stuck with this endeavor as long as i have…i actually look forward to it over the course of my day.  never thought THAT would happen either.  i got myself some decent shoes and new, easy to spot activewear… nothing matches of course, but that just makes it easier for the cars to see me.

i did however sustain my first injury.  about a mile into my tuesday run, the back of my right heel felt a little funny… not so funny that i needed to stop and check it out… more like a tee hee kind of funny.  i got home to discover a new feeling on my foot.  a warm, liquidy feeling.  removal of my shoe revealed a large minnesota shaped bloodstain on my sock.  yes folks, i rubbed my ankle raw.

i could still see the flecks of skin hanging on my turned inside out sock.  groovy.

but i was out on wednesday… bandaged heavily of course.

being cold…again

the temps have finally dipped below zero in my neck of the woods… when you see that little negative symbol next to a number that could be a shoe size, you develop a better appreciation for numbers without that little symbol next to them.  my drivers side front window has been stuck closed for three days… every other window works perfectly… but i never use those other windows.  consequently, when getting my morning jolt of liquid stimulation, i have to open my door to order and pay.  it’s embarrassing but unavoidable.

yesterday… i got coffee.  as i got out of my car, in the drive thru line, to pay… i explained to the woman that i was having a bad day… my automatic window being decidedly unautomatic.  she smiled, handed me the coffee and said, “well, maybe this cup of dunkin’ coffee will make your day better.”  to which i replied, as i re-fastened my seatbelt, “Only if i pour it on the window to melt it.”  she got the joke…i think…


Categories: laugh life thoughts
