New Series – MOEBIUS!

Moebius – Attention to detail

For the next Family Series set, I go back to the early 1990s (again).

Around 1990-92 I was really into comic book collecting. This was the guilded age of the special edition cover, when Todd McFarlane, Erik Larsen, Jim Lee and Rob Liefield ruled the pages. I was especially into Spiderman…not too much DC, lthough I still picked up all of the Superman titles: Action, Adventures of Superman, etc. It was a great time to be a comic reader.

One day when I was at my local comic shop (which is still in business… but in another town) I happened to see a poster of Iron Man drawn by a one name artist: Moebius. It didn’t look like all the other posters…Iron Man looked mean… and made less of iron and more like stone or some sort of weird marble masonry. I bought that poster instead of comics that week. I remained on my wall thru my high school graduation. Then… poof.

It didn’t catch on fire or anything… I just took it down.  Eventually, it was thrown away (inhales sorrowfully).

So I remembered that poster and the work of Jean Giraud (Moebius) when thinking of my next series. Feels like the 1990s again.  Hope you dig it.

Categories: art studio

Frank Page Triple Self-Portraits

The tradition continues

A new-ish tradition for me (Since 2017) is to recount my life to that point by doing a self-portrait in the style of illustrator Norman Rockwell’s famous Triple Self-Portrait.

It’s an interesting way to document what things (at that point) are important to me and to see what, in my mind, has dropped off the radar.

Here is this year’s installment along with previous years so far. Click or tap on image for a larger version.

A disposition in time…

Disposition or dat position…

My current John Singer Sargent series is challenging… I may have mentioned that before.

Normally, producing the piece for the day doesn’t pose a problem… sometimes, I anticipate a problem and just get up earlier (yes, for those that know me, it IS possible).

This morning, the stress of a series of out-of-my-control problems began to make my eye twitch. Dealing with the problems cut into my iPad time.  Consequently, today’s Sargent Series piece… of me…was taking longer than I budgeted for. I thought of delaying the post or just skipping today… but I decided to finish it as much as I could and post it like that.

Kinda glad I did. The stress of the morning… and really the last few months is evident more in this unfinished piece than in anything I’ve done so far.’

When you don’t know when to stop, stop… you may already be finished.

Categories: art

The best part of waking up…

The best part of waking up…

is the morning moments I spend on creating a FAMILY SERIES piece. Today is Linus –  John Singer Sargent style…

This one surprised me. I really wasn’t feeling to great this morning… lots of stress around other aspects of my life, coupled with needing to get a ton of other tasks done over the course of the day. So, I didn’t have high expectations for today. 

I just wanted to get something done.I was 99.87650% sure whatever Sargent style piece came out, it wasn’t going to be an absolute winner.

Out of that came this image of a Linus. From sketch to save took a little over an hour.

Holy crap… I think if I wasn’t stressed and hurried and took my time my original low to no expectations would have been achieved. Lightning struck.

Never know what you can do until you do it… or not think about it.
There’s a lesson in all this somewhere but I’m too stressed to figure it out.
I’m just going to look at the Linus piece a little longer and then dive head first into the shallow end of my day. Don’t bother saving me…i’m already lost.

Categories: linus process