the sight of sound…

I like playing with lettering.  One of my favorite things to do in the strip is come up with new ways of visualizing sound. SO for the beginning of 2019, I thought i’d abandon the solid color background Bob memes and mess around with this.

Categories: art bob


2018 can kiss my furry tail… and some other stuff…

What does 2019 got that I don’t already have?

Around this time of year I do a recap of the state of Bob.  What I did, what worked, what I totally messed up… but, you know, mostly the mistakes.

In 2018 I worked harder than I’ve ever worked before. And yet, I really think this year (with a few exceptions) saw my weakest work ever. Some days I was scribbling just to stay alive. The content flow gave me purpose. Totally irrational. But, when you see a life preserver you don’t complain what it looks like, you just grab onto it and hold tight.

Yeah, it was like that.

The routine of the work, the process, was the only thing that kept me sane.  Seriously.  What’s worse is that all that grad school talk about process (the stuff that I listed under “total Bullsh-t”) is really true! Dammit, they WERE right. Guess that justifies the student loan I’ll be paying off until i’m 62.

All in all, this year can kiss Bob’s tail… along with assorted parts of myself.  Some parts it can kiss twice.

2018 sucked. It aged me far more than the conventional 365 days would.

This year has been rough…what with the uncertainty of everything.  Hold up… I take that back.

The only thing certain was/is uncertainty.  85 days this year there was nothing BUT uncertainty… along with a lifetime of wondering if it’s coming back. The “ALL CLEAR” in big bold type is followed by fine print that says, “… yeah, but watch your back… for, like…forever, sucker!”

There’s no more rest.  It’s part of us now.

I started out near the edge of losing it all… with each day since January 1 doing what it could to push me closer and closer to it.  There were a few times when I came close enough to look over.  One time I did look over… and thought: “It might not be that bad…”

We were reminded of the brevity of it all.  Of mortality. Of weakness in times of strength and strength in times of weakness. Of wondering when it’d all be over… and the emptiness of that moment when it was. I was encouraged, discouraged, enraged, emboldened and just so damn proud. Of wanting to change, knowing that change was needed, and yet still resisting the change because I was/am so damn scared.

I was up, I was down, I was like a yo-yo.

I was in my head more than I should have been. Anxiety was at an all time high.  Panic attacks dive bombed me when I least expected it.

I was selfish, selfless, real and completely fake. I was alone more than I wanted to be. Ignored what I had, bitched and moaned about what I didn’t have.




Making plans that will never touch the face of reality. And reality… what a pain in the ass that is.

Reminded again and again of the risks I never took. The thanks I never gave. The total prick that I was. Seeing where I could be a better man, and wondering why I wasn’t good enough already.

Through ALL of this, there was that squirrel.  The longest relationship I’ve ever had.

I love my wife, my daughter, my family, my dogs… but that squirrel… that made-up, talking cartoon squirrel, man… life preserver yet again.

I’m not hoping for a better 2019… hope like that is futile and just a set-up for disappointment. There are more challenges ahead as always. I’m just going to keep on being… protecting my life. Appreciating the little things and the big things like health and humor. I have to. Because I don’t know if I could do 2018 again.

Thank you all for sticking around. Your appreciation for my work is everything… but make no mistake, I need that squirrel just as much as you do… if not more.



small price to pay

But, in order to do that, you have to get your feet (or tail) wet.  A small price to pay to be above it all for a moment.

Categories: art life love


It’s a little late, but better late than never, right?

Over the years, December 1st has been the start of my annual Bob the Squirrel Christmas countdown…

Just a little Image of Bob doing Bob things next to a number noting how many days were left before Christmas… I’ve posted the 2017 Countdown to Pinterest for your sharing enjoyment.

Feel free to share these and stress out the ones you love.  Click on the link below to check them out…

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Categories: Uncategorized
