living life…

04212015_last-dayTwo people have left my life this past week.  One was close, one not so close.  Both had an impact on me and served as an example of how to live your life.  Examples are good.  They show you what works and what doesn’t…

Cousin Phil… Jamie… thanks for being those examples.  You both were taken suddenly and way too fast. I know that wherever you are, you’re both slapping backs and having a blast.  We mourn your loss, we celebrate your life.  I only hope that I too can be as good as an example of living life as you both are.

I have work to do.  I’m good but I can be better.  And I don’t just mean drawing squirrels.

Categories: announcements art

trade places…

It’s been rough the last few days.  Lots of thinking… the kind of thinking that happens when huge unexpected events force you.  Not cool but nothing you can do about it.04202015_trade_places

Categories: Uncategorized

Patreon – and feel good about yourself

Are you a patron of Bob the Squirrel? Why not?

Now what is Patreon? Watch and learn:

I want to keep Bob and Squirrelosophy as vibrant as possible. To do that, I need breathing room. Breathing room where I don’t have to worry about taking a paying gig over putting a bit more time into a Sunday panel or an extra Squirrelosophy panel, or if I just feel the need to do some video and need a piece of equipment.

I’ve had Bob on Patreon since January of this year. Currently, I have 12 wonderful patrons willing to donate their hard earned money to something they think is special and worthy of their support. I cannot begin to tell you how humbled and wonderful that makes me feel. Every little bit helps and is appreciated.

Bob isn’t going anywhere. You as a fan can expect the same quality as always. But with your support through Patreon, Bob can grow. You will be a Patron of the arts! And, as a patron, you will get benefits that others do not. Cool stuff. Really cool stuff… and stuff that’s so cool I haven’t even thought of it yet. The more support, the more cool.

Check out the Bob Patreon page when you can. There is absolutely no pressure to commit.

Support Frank Page creating Comics that Squirrels can dance to and not be embarrassed.

Categories: patreon process self-critique

Tags: turns 13 today

1 Comment

Today, April 14, 2015, is the 13th anniversary of the launch of  It’s not Bob’s “official” birthday (that’s in February) but it is the anniversary of his introduction to the internet.  Unfortunately, I don’t have a screen capture of that first website and the stone tablets the original html code was on are long lost.  Here is a capture of the site from May 2002:

I’m just wondering what I had against eyebrows on squirrels.

Screen shot 2015-04-14 at 7.20.08 AM

Categories: announcements art
