BOb the Squirrel getting ready for Spring

We here in Central New York are currently in the midst of our February Winter Blast.  Unfortunately, it is almost the middle of March.  Bob isn’t too terribly pleased about it either.  Spring… where are you?

Categories: art


Bob and Cosmos

This is a re-post from SQUIRRELOSOPHY…–

Cosmos and Bob the Squirrel

I watched the first episode of Cosmos last night. I was all set and comfy eager to be enlightened by Dr. Neil deGrasse Tyson as he continued the work of his mentor Dr. Carl Sagan. I really wished I could accurately remember that moment right before the first episode… because that was the last time I;ll probably ever feel significant… in a universe is infinite type of way.

No disrespect to Dr. Neil at all… him and I have a history. Well, he responded to one of my tweets a while back:

neil degrasse tyson

Cosmos had a lot for me to wrap my peanut dust covered brain around. The series will go 13 episodes… at the end of which I may all but disappear completely… if I haven’t already. Cosmos is cool. Watch it and you too can feel just like me.

What work I did in 30 hours…

what I did in 30 hours...

This is what I did from yesterday morning (at around 4am) to this morning (around 10am). It consists of the following:

  • One week of Bob the Squirrel daily strips
  • Two weeks of Squirrelosophy panels
  • One extra “just because” panel
  • A few pages in my sketchbook (not in picture)

Not bragging, just illustrating.  Now if I could only use my powers for good.



Categories: announcements art
