to be a cartoonist…

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About a month ago, I was told that I inspired someone to pursue a career as a cartoonist.  That’s pretty cool, right?  This person is still in high school, but her work is far above average… she could really do something.  I thanked her by doing a drawing for her.  She, in turn, thanked ME by drawing an entire comic book using me, Bob, Lez, Lauren and Lucy as the characters.  For those of you that don’t know, an entire comic book is A LOT of work.  It was hand colored too.

I know, right?  Pretty cool.

The following is an email response to the comic and her dreams.  I hesitated to share this at first, but I think it could help someone out there that needs a little bump… be it in pursuit of a career or anything else.

got your wonderful comic last night.  i can definitely see all the hard work that you put into it.  you should be extremely proud of yourself.  thank you for not only sharing it with me, but including both me and my family (literally) in it.

i don’t have to tell you that being a cartoonist is tough.  it’s not the toughest job in the world, but it’s still tough.  should you decide to dedicate yourself to this, you look forward to many sleepless nights, near constant aggravation, overwork with the prospect of little or no pay and a nagging lack of respect from “real” artists.  that being said, it’s all worth it when you draw something that makes you laugh or makes you sit back and wonder, “how did i just do that?”

you don’t get into this thing for the money… you get into it because:
A. you can’t picture yourself doing anything else.
B. you have something to say…and
C. for moments like i just described.

there is a long road ahead of you…as there is in front of me.  i’m not nearly where i want to be professionally, but i’m stubborn enough to keep at it, despite every single thing telling me to turn around.  i’ve sacrificed an awful lot in order to get this dream within my sights.  i’m sure i’ll be sacrificing a lot more before it is achieved.

you’re young.  you have time to check out what’s out there… don’t dedicate yourself to one thing right now.  there may be something out there you’ve never heard of that might speak to you more than cartooning.  treat life like a buffet.  get a plate and put a little bit of everything on it.  taste everything you can.  once you’ve done that, go back for what was the most delicious to you.  you’ll find as you get older that you may not get many chances to go to the buffet.

if cartooning is what is in your dna, then go for it.  but check other stuff out first.  regret is a nasty feeling…stay away from it if you can.

i’m honored to have played a small part in what you want your future to look like and/or be.  if you ever need any brutally honest advice, don’t hesitate to contact me.  who knows, maybe one day i’ll be working for you. 🙂

take care…

Being a cartoonist day in and day out takes much more than talent.  It takes discipline, love and stubbornness… But doesn’t anything worth anything?

SQUIRRELOSOPHY… what it is, why you should read it…

I’ve cross posted this entry with what is on the SQUIRRELOSOPHY website…

squirrelosophy by bob the squirrelThere comes a point in a creator/creation relationship where the line  blurs.  It could be a really bad thing…but maybe not.

In the Bob the Squirrel comic strip, I have literally mined my daily existence for material.  Long time readers are well aware of my willingness to put everything, good, bad or embarrassing right in the strip.  10 years of ups and downs…almost 4000 comic strips…

But I wanted to do something more.  Bob wanted to do something more.  He has a unique perspective on being in the world.  How could you not have a unique perspective being only 13 inches tall (on tippy-toes)?  HOw many opportunities does one get to hear the musings of a squirrel?

In April 2012, I started drawing an extra panel of bob and posting on  I had all these other ideas for things Bob could say that just wouldn’t fit in the daily strip context.  I didn’t think anything of it, really…they were just fun to do.  But then something happened… the ideas started flooding into my brain.  Sometimes, faster than I could even write them down or draw them.  It’s one of those situations dudes like me pray to be in.  Inspiration overload.

There were days where I would post three or even four panels.  No sooner were they drawn, they were posted.  The production level was addicting…and it showed no signs of slowing down.  Readers seems to dig the little extra Bob in their day.

So, what else could I do?  I was in danger of having the one-off panels taking over the strip.  I was concentrating more on the panels than on the strip that got me there.  There had to be a division.  A clear cut difference between the strip and Squirrelosophy… a name that seemed appropriate.  Once the name was determined, I decided to put my one college semester as a philosophy major to good use.  In addition to shareable images of your favorite sarcastic squirrel, you’ll get a little running commentary about the image… and maybe a few life lessons and assignments.

Bob of course, is way smarter than me.  You’ll see.

Is it more work?  Yes.  Is it more of an investment?  Yes.  Is it a labor of love?  Yes.  Will you like it?  I don’t know…but Bob and I are having fun finding out.

where my ideas come from…

   more often than not, someone will ask me where i get my ideas from.  my    answer to this question usually depends on the mood i’m in.  no matter what words and phrases color my response, it all boils down to two words: my life.  now, i’m not a jetsetter, i don’t travel all that much, i’m not indiana jones or some ex-navy seal… i’m just frank.  as harvey pekar has shown us, ordinary people do a lot of living.  there is a beauty in “the usual.”

sometimes, ideas are hard to come by.  no matter how much life i experience, i just can’t seem to get those experiences into words, and ultimately into pictures.  this past sunday, the ideas came to me … literally.  a car lost control and plowed into my front yard, narrowly missing the cherry tree i planted almost 4 years ago.  luckily no one was hurt.

the fire trucks came, the police came… all my neighbors came to see if they could help and if everyone was ok.  once i found out no one and nothing was hurt i began thinking about how i would incorporate this into a comic strip.  yes, you read that correctly…i was thinking about how to write a car accident into the comic strip.  my cartoonist brethren and sisteren will completely understand.  to add to the freaky-deekiness of the whole incident, the driver actually used to live in the house that i now live in… not only that, but lezley actually babysat for this person who was now plowing up my yard.

small, small world…and all i kept thinking was… what would bob say to all this?