Two more downloads…

for the first time in 5 years, two of my very first comics are now available for digital download. these are oldies, but definitely goodies. again, as with my first digital comic, there classics are strictly a “pay what you can” type of deal. each comic is 24 pages in length. the artwork is very old looking, but the bob always remains the same. click on the link to get your bob on!

Categories: announcements blog

just a reminder and stuff…

i am currently working on a whole new set of designs for bob merchandise… i’m hoping to have them all available by the beginning of june. t-shirts, sweatshirts along with a few pleasant surprises. please pardon my silence here… please?

also remember, in addition to the donation button on the side, that you can own a piece of original bob art! just click on the “Buy this original or print” link underneath the strip of your choice and before you know it, it’ll be tastefully packaged and waiting for you in your mailbox.

help me keep bob support bob and the lifestyle he’s become accustomed to. if that doesn’t make you depressed, i don’t know what will… 🙂

Categories: announcements blog