2015_publications2015 was busy.

I know it’s a tad early to retrospect the year that’s still got some time on it… humor me.

Maybe it’s an ego thing.  Nah, it definitely is an ego thing somewhat.  I put all the bob the squirrel projects out on my drawing board and a satisfaction comes over me.  I will never whine about how hard it is to do what I do.

If you love it, it’s not hard…Challenging? Sure.  Complex? Yup.  Hard? Nope.

I can look back on this year with pride knowing that I’ve put out the best I’ve ever put out.  That’s not to say everything else I’ve done was bad… not at all.  You must always be in a state of building onto what you’ve already built.  If you do nothing more than build next to what you’ve done, you’re doing yourself no favors.  You’re not growing, you’re just taking up space.

So, I’m going to take a moment to enjoy the results of long hours, early mornings and a lot of spilled ink.  Even if I only sell five books, I consider myself a success.

As my grandmother would say: “You done good, Frankie.”

Can’t wait to see what he does in 2016.


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