fan mail…

Bob Squirrel

From a fan… Thanks Simon L. for the note and the awesome fan art!

I’ve been reading your strip for quite some time (since 2010 when I graduated high school) and it’s always fun to read! I enjoy reading about your real life experiences as well as that goofy lil’ squirrel you have with you. I’m hoping to keep reading more from you in the future!

I just wanted to express my thanks to you. When I was just getting out of school, I had no idea what I was going to do. I was incredibly lost and for a few years, I went through a huge spiral of confusion, student loans and depression. After finally finding my niche in drawing, I’ve decided to pursue a bachelor’s degree in graphic design.

One of my inspirations was my father, who is a filmmaker and an artist, but another big inspiration was from artists like you. I remember reading about your strips involving thinking about leaving and was shattered, but then found out you decided to stick around for longer and finally came to terms to what I wanted to do. I didn’t want to just give up. I had to keep pursuing what I wanted to and that was art.

I’m very happy to say that I’m doing much better now and want to say thank you for giving me the drive and inspiration to follow my goals! I’m hoping to become as good as you are at doing art one day! Wish you all the best!

Categories: art
