New SQUIRRELOSOPHY site coming soon…

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i will be launching a new website in the next few weeks dedicated solely to SQUIRRELOSOPHY: bob’s daily musings and observations on life with a slight fortune cookie slant…

you will still get your bob… just in a slightly different way.  rest assured the strip and will still be active.

i consider the new site a spin-off:  it’s “the jeffersons” to “all in the family”…

any suggestions for what you might like to see?

Categories: announcements

“guess you had to be there…” ARTIST’S EDITIONS available!

in case you were wondering, yes… there is a new bob book out.  but, it’s not REALLY a bob the squirrel comic strip book… it’s a bob book of SQUIRRELOSOPHY… it’s like existentialism that eats peanuts and has a tail.  it’s filled with observations on life and love and apples that only someone less than 18 inches tall could think of.

copies of the book are available through lulu. but, if you don’t mind spending a few more paypal bucks, you can get your very own ARTIST’S EDITION of the book… complete with autograph and a sketch (or two).  i have priced them at the wonderfully low price of $21… which includes shipping.  get your artist’s edition here…