that funny flux feeling…

There’s tons of snow on the ground right now.  There’s so much snow that I can’t even begin to think about when it’ll melt.   My money is on Memorial Day.

After the puppet, the semi-failed snow sculpture and assorted other projects that have yet to leave my head, Bob is in flux.  More specifically, I am in flux.  After the flurry of activity I realize that the fuel gauge is tap dancing near empty.

‘ve been doing this long enough to know how this goes.  I just need to recharge.  Bob is not going away… he’s just in flux.  He’s waiting for that next adventure to begin.  He’s waiting for a reason to come out from under that blanket… the warmest day we’ve had in the last week barely made it into double digits.

If a definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over yet expecting different outcomes, what is the cure for that?

As always, my Patreon campaign is still rolling along.  Swing by on your lunch break and check it out.  The more patrons, the more prizes!  I’ve added a new goal level.  The masses rejoice!

Categories: announcements art
