the first post of the year…

that statement alone seems to warrant a learned, prolific, earthquaking blog post… but to be honest, i just don’t have it in me right now… not in me, near me, around me or on my radar.

just floating right now.

Categories: Uncategorized

2 Replies to “i’m floating right now…”

  1. floating is much better than sinking !.

    I really enjoy "Bob" I keep him on a home page tab . I used to work at a ski area during the summer and I am pretty sure I met the reall life "Bob" he used to hang out around the outside grill I worked at he was a pain in my butt that I learned to love he would snag a bag of chipps every day and generaly ran amuk .The company dog hated/loved him and between the two of them I never had a boring day at work . Keep up the good work Frank !

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