dirty picture of frankThis is probably the dirtiest picture of me that you will ever find on the internet.  The forlorn look in my eye is not act… it is a very real cartoonist, really tired.  What you see is the portrait of a man who cleaned nearly 5 years of accumulated clutter, building debris, objects of pet destruction and a few broken mops from his surrounding empire.  It was no easy task considering the spring snow, sleet and rain that kept toying with me.

The mud?  That was a lovely bonus.

The good news is: all is done.  My studio move.  The yard…even parts of the garage have been re-organized and de-cluttered.

The bad news is:  Now we have a lot of room to start the clutter process all over again.

I think I’m going to take a break from real work and actually draw some cartoons.

Categories: announcements
