Art AUCTIONS…grab your own original piece…

just a heads up to regular and irregular visitors to bob’s little thread on the world wide web… my original art auctions will be featured prominently on the right hand side of this page.  i promote them almost daily on facebook and twitter… but for those of you that aren’t tweeters or facebookers…now you can see them.

Categories: art auction auctions ebay

short weekend…perception wise anyway…

the length of the weekend was the same as any other weekend… time moved as time moves…

my perception was different… like a blink.

i’m furiously working on a ton of art for auction…along with art just to make art.  if anyone has any suggestions of things they would like to see, i’m always open to that… just email me…

maybe my perception of the week will change… i doubt it.  i’ll try not to blink.

Categories: announcements art